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Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37




Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37

Contact Us

Contact Details

School Values & Ethos

"Pupils enjoy attending school. They arrive each day ready to begin their learning. Pupils get along with one another. In lessons, they respect each other’s views and live up to the high expectations that leaders have of them. Pupils are polite and courteous. Children in the early years are inquisitive and demonstrate a positive attitude to learning."

OFSTED, May 2022

We are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum which provides rich opportunities for children to explore a range of subjects, thus developing a variety of knowledge, skills and interests which they can apply to opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life. 

We value the individuality of our children and their various curriculum strengths and interests. As a school, we provide opportunities for children to build upon these to become the best that they can be. This is underpinned by our curriculum mission statement: 

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4: 10


We aim to:


  • To create a nurturing environment where everyone can feel safe, supported, and valued.


  • To provide an ambitious, relevant, and coherently planned and sequenced curriculum that supports children’s ability to know more, remember more, and be able to do more.


  • To involve parents, carers, the church, and the wider community to enrich children’s learning and cultural capital.


  • To equip our children with the knowledge, skills, experiences, and attitudes they will need to successfully contribute to our future society.


  • To enable all children to reach their full potential through high quality teaching, targeted academic support and wider approaches.


  • To ensure the distinctive nature of our Church school with the Christian Faith pervading all that we do.