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Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37




Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37

Contact Us

Contact Details

Health and Wellbeing

Christ Church are proud to be working with Lancashire Emotional Health in Schools and Colleges (LEHSC) to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in our children and staff.


Mrs Hooper is our Senior Mental Health Lead and is currently undertaking training in collaboration with LEHSC, funding by the DfE.


Mrs Collins has undertaken training to become Mental Health Champions.

What is Mental Health?

A video from LEHSS about how we can understand mental health in ourselves and our children, and what influences it.

Supporting Children and Young People with Resilience

A video created by the Lancashire Emotional Health in Schools and Colleges Service for parents and caregivers of children in Lancashire.

Promoting Resilience: Guide for parents

Self Care Plan for Primary Pupils

Primary Mental Health Team



Charlie Waller website is always worth a visit Charlie Waller Trust, mental health charity it includes CoRAY which was a project based at the University of Oxford. In partnership with the Charlie Waller Trust, it developed a pack of mental health lessons and resources, working with young people, researchers and clinicians to produce evidence-informed advice.

A partnership project with CoRAY ( 


Kooth is available for all young people in the area until the eve of their 19th birthday. They can access resources, connect with other young people in moderated forums, and access counselling support without the usual wait times. 

Apr 24 Kooth Schools Newsletter (


Kooth's Guide to coping with exam stress

Exam result resources
