At Lancaster Christ Church, we believe that it is important for our children to feel a sense of belonging to our school, and therefore request that all children wear a uniform.
We recognise that children need clothing that is conductive to learning, including activity-appropriate clothing, such as PE kit, and have chosen uniform which is reasonably priced, practical and comfortable.
Our uniform:
Our uniform consists of:
* A white polo shirt;
* A royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan;
* Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress;
* Grey or black tights or grey, black or white socks;
* Plain flat shoes in a dark colour.
Large, excessive hair accessories should not be worn; however, small hair clips or plain headbands are acceptable.
Blue summer dresses or grey or black shorts (not sports shorts) can be worn when the weather is warmer.
We request that children bring a coat to school each day as the weather can be changeable.
Children may choose to wear non-uniform on their birthday, however this should be practical and appropriate.
Our PE kit:
Last year, we introduced a school PE kit in order to raise the profile of PE across school.
All children are expected to wear school PE kit on PE days.
Our school PE kit consists of:
* A navy zip up hoodie;
* A house coloured t-shirt;
· Plain black or navy shorts, joggers or leggings;
· Trainers or pumps.
There is no requirement for parents to purchase uniform from a particular supplier, and the purchase of uniform with a school logo is entirely optional.
If parents wish to purchase uniform with the school logo, this can be obtained from:
The Uniform and Leisurewear Shop
We strongly encourage parents to consider visiting our second-hand uniform shop in school, which holds a large stock of good quality second-hand uniform and PE kit.
All items are available to purchase with a voluntary donation.
Please enquire at the school office if you would like more information or to browse.
The only permitted jewellery that may be worn is:
* One pair of stud earrings (no other piercings are permitted)
* A sensible wristwatch (not a smartwatch)
Jewellery is the responsibility of the pupil and not the school. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded.
All jewellery must be removed during practical lessons, for example, PE lessons / swimming lessons. If children cannot remove their own earrings, then this should be done at home on the day of PE.
School staff encourage good organisation of clothing and footwear, for example, designated spaces for children to keep belongings in and checking of labels. However, all pupils’ clothing and footwear must be clearly labelled with their name.
Clothing and footwear are the responsibility of the child and not the school.
If a child goes home in another child’s clothing by accident, for example, their jumper, parents/carers should send the clothing not belonging to them back into school to their child’s class teacher.
Any lost clothing is to be taken to the lost property box. All lost property is retained for a term and then recycled if it is not collected within this time.