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Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37




Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37

Contact Us

Contact Details

School Staff


School Staff 2024 - 2025


Headteacher: Miss Emma Simpson

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Gemma Hooper

School Administrator: Miss Sophie Fish

Site Supervisor: Miss Alex Dutton


Teaching Staff:

Reception: Miss Kelly Hibble Miss Eva Baker (Tuesday)

Year 1: Mrs Megan Blezard (Tuesday - Friday) / Miss Eva Baker (Monday)

Year 2: Mrs Jen Smith (Monday - Thursday) /  Miss Eva Baker (Friday)

Year 3: Mrs Louise Rigby (Monday - Wednesday & Friday) / Miss Eva Baker (Thursday)

Year 4: Miss Liz Holder (Monday - Wednesday & Friday) / Mr Jules Seaton (Thursday)

Year 5: Mrs Paula Morrell / Mrs Michelle Joyce

Year 6: Mrs Gemma Hooper / Mr Jules Seaton (Wednesday)

KS2 Music: Miss Susan Dougherty


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Helen Holdsworth

Mrs Melanie Callaghan

Mrs Allison Collins

Mrs Sarah Watton

Mrs Niki Allen

Mrs Nicola Smith

Miss Julie Nelson

Mrs Kirsty Moreland

Mr Matthew Muir

Mrs Suzanne Floyd

Miss Janine Chappell

Mr James Berman



Miss Eva Baker


Children and Families Support Worker: 

Miss Sarah Rainford


School Support Staff:


Welfare Staff: 

Miss Julie Nelson

Mrs Kirsty Moreland

Mrs Niki Allen

Miss Charlina Harrison 

Mrs Nicola Smith

Mrs Lynne Bentham

Mrs Suzanne Floyd


School Cleaners: 

Mrs Lynne Bentham

Miss Abigail Canning


Out of School Club:

Mrs Allison Collins (Breakfast Club Manager)

Mrs Helen Holdsworth

Miss Julie Nelson

Mrs Melanie Callaghan

Miss Charlina Harrison

Miss Ruby Goss

Miss Abigail Canning (ASC Supervisor)


