Lancaster Christ Church Church of England Primary School was last inspected on 11th and 12th May 2022.
The outcome of the inspection was that
"Lancaster Christ Church C of E Primary School continues to be a good school."
The full report can be accessed using the link below:
Lancaster Christ Church Church of England Primary School was previously inspected in April 2017.
Our overall inspection judgement was Good.
The report can be accessed using the link below:
In order to continue to progress, inspectors identified the following next steps:
"Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that:
- they continue to closely check the quality of children’s writing so that progress in all year groups is strong.
- close monitoring of the pupil premium grant continues to have an impact on improved achievement for disadvantaged pupils."
Actions taken since the inspection:
- Implementation of a whole school approach to effective sequencing of lessons in English to improve pupil progress and outcomes in writing.
- Schedule of monitoring across the school by subject leader.
- Regular staff development through subject specific staff meetings and targeted support by subject leader as needed.
- Strong links between subject leader and nominated governor for English to ensure that governing body are fully informed of curriculum developments and outcomes.
- The school has made use of guidance such as the EEF’s ‘Using your pupil premium funding effectively’ to devise a carefully considered pupil premium strategy, rooted in a secure evidence base. This is published on the school website.
- Leaders and governors track the progress of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding to ensure that spending is effective and that the impact of the strategy matches that which was intended.
Please click on the link to view the Department for Education Performance Tables: