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Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37




Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37

Contact Us

Contact Details


Welcome to Reception!


Reception is taught by Miss Hibble.

Miss Baker teaches Reception on a Tuesday during Miss Hibble's PPA time


Miss Chappell supports teaching and learning in Year Reception.


Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Reception Curriculum Map

What to expect, when? - Guidance to your child's learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Recommended Reading List: Reception

Phonics Weekly Parents Sheets

Jolly Phonics sounds mat and letter formation rhymes and characters

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds, or phonemes, used in the English language with these helpful examples from Suzy Ditchburn and her daughter.

Number Formation Rhymes and Pictures

Conversation and Vocabulary Games to try at home
