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Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37




Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37

Contact Us

Contact Details

Nominated Governors

Each of our Governors is has responsibility for a particular area of school life. This is known as their Nominated Governor Role.


Currently, Nominated Governors are as follows:


Specific ResponsibilityNominated GovernorNominated Staff Member
Safeguarding & Child Protection inc. AttendanceMrs S DoggettMiss E Simpson
PreventMrs S ShepherdMiss E Simpson
Online SafetyDr P AllenMrs L Rigby
SENDMr R FranklandMr B Maunder
Pupil PremiumMrs J WatsonMiss E Simpson
Link / Governor Training Miss E Simpson
Pupil and Staff WellbeingMs K TranterMrs G Hooper
WorshipRev'd C BackhouseMiss E Simpson
Health & Safety, Maintenance and Risk AssessmentsMr S FoyMiss E Simpson
WebsiteMrs C HarmanMiss E Simpson
Early YearsMrs S DoggettMr B Maunder
EVCMr R PictonMiss E Simpson
EnglishMrs S ShepherdMrs G Hooper
MathematicsMrs S ShepherdMrs N Davison
ScienceDr P AllenMiss L Holder
GeographyMs K TranterMr B Maunder
ComputingDr P AllenMrs L Rigby
HistoryMr R FranklandMrs N Davison
Design and TechnologyMr S FoyMrs P Morrell
Art and DesignMrs J WatsonMr J Seaton
MusicMrs C HarmanMrs M Blezard
MFLMrs S DoggettMrs M Joyce
PERev'd C BackhouseMiss E Simpson
SCARF (PHSE / RSE)Mrs S ShepherdMr B Maunder
RERev'd C BackhouseMrs J Smith


Each Nominated Governors meets at least annually with the Nominated Staff Member to produce a report which is presented at the Full Governors Meeting.


A timetable for the presentation of Nominated Governors Reports can be found below:

