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Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37




Christ Church Primary School

Have Faith... In yourself... In others... In God

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37

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Marvellous Music

On Friday afternoon (14th June), Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Ashton Hall, where they had the opportunity to experience a live orchestra. The Haffner Orchestra performed Arabian Nights stories, through Rimsky-Korsakov’s music, ‘Sheherazade’. It was a wonderful experience!

On Monday afternoon (10th June), Year 3 were invited to Bowerham Primary School to take part in a Steel Drumming Workshop. The children thoroughly enjoyed this chance to learn about a new instrument.

This morning, the whole school enjoyed hearing the talents of our musicians in school as they performed in our termly concert. It is fantastic to hear the progress that they are making! If your child is interested in music  lessons in school, please return the slip to the school office.

We will continue to broaden our musical experiences later this term when we’ll welcome Susan Doherty, a specialist music teacher into year 5 for an ocarina workshop.

How exciting!
